Melody’s comments about her shoot:
Dear FTV members, Greetings! You might remember me, or have forgotten me, or be meeting me for the first time. Either way, thank you for enjoying the show. If you do remember me, you may spot differences between the Melody back then and the Melody now. The Melody back in 2017 would be writing this for you after her shoot. However, here I am writing this before my upcoming shoot tomorrow. I suppose that is growth. I do not remember what I wrote, but I do hope that there is also growth in my writing. Despite completing calculus II, I am a paid and published freelance writer who writes nothing about integrals. My name is not attached to my freelance work and it’s far from computer science, but I enjoy it very much. As a freelance writer, I have learned to utilize search engine optimization (SEO) and a little bit of whatever topic I assign myself to. Articles I have written range from how businesses should consider sustainability logistics, to how one should bathe a rabbit. Bathing a rabbit is not recommended. Anyway, I am looking forward to the shoot tomorrow. The fact that it will be shot by a fellow FTV model that I love and look up to, makes it even better. I actually have been able to meet several amazing women through FTV and make connections that I appreciate deeply. I may not be as adventurous as back then, but in these new chapters, I aim to make my personality more prevalent in my performance. That is something FTV generally brings out really well, as you can read in my words. Hopefully, all of my work has made or is making quarantine a bit more tolerable for you. During the early stages of the pandemic, I made rescuing 14 cats my quarantine project. Well, it was originally one queen and her litter of 5. When I rescued her, I did not realize that the queen was already pregnant again. She had another litter of 6 right under my bed. Then one of my colleagues found 2 more newborn kittens on her balcony without their queen, therefore my queen adopted them. All the kittens, including the queen, found homes. Now you got a nice show and a feel-good story to boot! And just in case you did not know, mom cats are called queens. If you decide you enjoy not just my body, but my mind, follow me on social media. My Instagram is @MelodyYuna and my Twitter is @MelodyWylde. If you happen to like my writing you can join my twitch stream on to be a part of it. Aside from writing, I like dancing and playing video games. Recent games I’ve played include Valorant, Elder Scrolls Online, and X-Men Legends. X-Men Legends is only for the GameCube, but it is still incredibly fun to play to this day! Sometimes I like to cosplay for fun too. Cosplaying is a way for me to express which fictional characters I adore the most! Even if I am not cosplaying, I enjoy dressing up in quirky outfits because I only have so long to try styles that excite me. On that note, I hope you enjoy the outfits I have prepared for you tomorrow 😉 Sincerely, Melody